Region Overview

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North State
The Bay Area is home to over 7 million people across 9 counties and 101 cities, spanning from its world-class wine country in the North Bay to flagship innovation hubs in the south peninsula. The vast region highlights California’s leading diversity and touts a tour de force global economy, microclimates as many and influential as the cultural hotbeds, and attractions to last a lifetime. The Bay is a bastion for technological innovation, progressive action, and natural beauty that makes the region welcoming to all walks of life.

Bay Area is the birthplace of . . .


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Together Bay Area Coalition

Together Bay Area Coalition

Plan Bay Area 2050

Plan Bay Area 2050

K-12 Strong Workforce Program

K-12 Strong Workforce Program


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Together Bay Area Coalition
Together Bay Area Coalition
Together Bay Area is a regional coalition of nonprofits, agencies, and local Native governments and communities driving climate resilient lands. These focused efforts create long-term economic changes that support tens of thousands of jobs in the Bay Area, while addressing climate change impacts. The coalition recognizes the deep stewardship history of Indigenous People who live in the region and leverage coalition members’ work to advance intersectional solutions.
Plan Bay Area 2050
Plan Bay Area 2050
Plan Bay Area 2050 is a deeply collaborative long-term plan for the region. It originated from an earlier comprehensive regional planning effort, the Horizon Initiative, and encapsulates the voices of over 20,000 Bay Area residents. Plan Bay Area 2050 strives to address the region’s most pressing concerns through a shared vision.
K-12 Strong Workforce Program
K-12 Strong Workforce Program
The Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC) directs $150 milion annually to create, support, and expand high-quality career technical education (CTE) programs. The program focuses on data-driven outcomes to create a more robust talent pipeline in high-demand and high-quality jobs. CTE data will be used to inform future workforce plans as the regional economy grows and transitions.


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Oakland Youth Jobs Corps

Oakland Youth Jobs Corps

Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project

Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights - Alameda County


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Oakland Youth Jobs Corps
Oakland Youth Jobs Corps
The City of Oakland was awarded a grant to build public service career pathways for underserved youth. These young adults will participate in a year-long program in sectors, like climate resilience and public safety. Employment, on-the-job training, and access to regional mentors will foster and uplift Oakland and local residents.
Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project
Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project
The Martinez Refinery Renewable Fuels Project supports county, regional, and statewide efforts to transition to a carbon-neutral economy and create jobs in sustainable industries. The project will convert the refinery facility feedstocks from crude oil to renewable feedstock. The project is moving through the planning phase while addressing public comment.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights - Alameda County
As a regional community advocate, the Ella Baker Center has formed coalitions and broken ground for communities of color since its inception over 25 years ago. With the goal of breaking the cycles of incarceration and poverty, the Center has built California’s first statewide support and advocacy network of more than 1,400 families of incarcerated youth. They have secured millions more dollars for reentry programs and services.
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Given the diversity of the Bay Area community and economy, our collaborative intends to honor the local without losing the power of the regional.

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Region By Numbers

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Explore these numbers and additional key Bay Area demographic, economic, and business data on the Community & Place-Based Data Tool. Uncover other data tools, regional plans, and resources on the Data & Knowledge Library Page.



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Total Households


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Total Establishments


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Educational Attainment


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Labor Force


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Regional Contacts

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Explore other federal, state, and regional contacts on our community connection page.

Jesus Salazar

CPBS Regional Economic Recovery Coordinator, GO-Biz

HRTC Contacts

The Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) will support an inclusive High Road Training Collaborative (HRTC) in this region, in charge of creating economic development recovery and transition strategies. To be a part of this region’s processes to advance economic prosperity and equity, contact the HRTC conveners.

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California Community & Place-Based Solutions
1325 J St., Suite 1800
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: 877-345-4633
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Produced in Partnership with the U.S. Economic Development Administration